Born and raised in Africa, my dreams and hope to be someone great someone to help make a difference in my community but with each and every passing day the odds are against me, my government is full of old men too tired to do their job but for them as long as a pay cheque comes no one else matters.
I have been told in school our continent is full of opportunities and full of hope but all I see in the eyes of my fellow country men and women is hopelessness. I can't give up I need to stand up not for myself but the generation after me. I want them to find that employment is not about who you know but because you are qualified for the job, I want to grow old see youths being involved in decision making. I want to see everyone have access to education not only those that can afford it I want hope to fill the eyes of every African knowing with a little bit of effort an African will not live a pocket to mouth type of life.
I have been told stories of old days, days were youths were priority, youths took up roles that called for responsibility in society and youths given the opportunity to thrive. But with a sad and broken heart I shamefully say things are not the same. The old want to stay in positions that youths are suppose to fill, employers expect you to have 5 years experience when you are just from college/university, colleges and universities do not have adequate study materials and they require you to pass exams and excel in a career.
Primary and secondary schools are no longer conducive learning environments, bars and night clubs all around them. Billions of job applications have been written but only hundreds are picked and the rest of the application letters have meet the inescapable teeth of a shredder. We have tried to rise up but every time we do we are side lined. We have been labeled as a broken generation. Yes you gave us the knowledge but you deprived us the opportunity to thrive, to grow in unity with your policies and be changers of our dying society.
But now we are rising taking matters into our own hands. We are tired of pointing fingers at what you have not done. Step aside and and give us an opportunity to make policies that will align with our needs and not your political gain. We are the new Africa an Africa for to thrive and gains the resources bestowed upon us by God. #AfrincanYouthsUnite